Either an Administrator or a Technician can Add a battery.
Before you can perform a battery inspection you will first need to add the battery to an existing customer.
From the Dashboard select a customer from the Customer drop down list.
Click the + Add battery button.
As you enter information about the battery the form will adapt based on the battery configuration entered.
If you are unsure about what to enter virtually every field has a help tip to guide you.
Equipment notes entered are visible when performing a battery inspection. They remind a technician to watch for the noted condition during an inspection.
If the battery is Pooled you will be taken to Add charger info.
From the Dashboard select a customer from the Customer drop down list.
Click the + Add battery button in the customer’s Library.
As you enter information about the battery the form will adapt based on the battery configuration entered.
If you are unsure about what to enter virtually every field has a help tip to guide you.
Equipment notes entered are visible when performing a battery inspection. They can be used to remind a technician to watch for a noted condition or provide instruction on how to access the truck hour meter data.
If the battery is dedicated to the truck or if the truck is of a type where the batteries are normally removed only to be replaced you will be taken to Add truck info.