Add a Battery
Either an Administrator or a Technician can Add a battery. Before you can perform a battery inspection you will first need to add the battery to an existing customer.
Either an Administrator or a Technician can Add a battery. Before you can perform a battery inspection you will first need to add the battery to an existing customer.
Initial hours are the truck Drive and Lift hours or Drive hours or Key hours displayed when a new battery that is dedicated to a truck is installed in that truck. Drive and Lift hours are preferable to only Drive hours and Drive hours are preferable to only Key hours, as they provide a more accurate representation of the time
Determining initial hours Read More »
Some reasons you might want to upload a photograph are when you encounter something unusual or difficult to describe such as: A truck with a battery made from more than one battery. A battery tray has an odd shape or a cut out (not a simple rectangle) or a spacer in the cell compartment. A battery tray is dented from
How do I upload a photo? Read More »
As a Customer you will be able to: Log into Voltelligent after activating your account from an invitation. Have read only access to your battery Library. Sort the batteries in your library by clicking the red down arrow at the top right of the Library columns header. When sorting by Amp hour, Truck type, Dedicated, Score or Voltage the batteries
The battery score is a comparative number. For customers with one or only a few batteries the score will be of limited use. For customers with a fleet of batteries the score is a very useful tool to quickly compare batteries for replacement and budgeting purposes.
What does the battery score mean? Read More »