When adding a battery it is important to know the 100% charged specific gravity as well as the 80% discharged specific gravity in order for Voltelligent to accurately calculate the state of charge of the battery being inspected.
- When adding a battery the help tips above the 100% charged and 80% discharged fields contain a link to a SG reference sheet.
- For some battery manufacturers there are default values programmed in, however different cell models for the same manufacturer do not always have the same 100% charged and 80% discharged values.
- You should always consult the SG reference sheet whenever adding a battery to be sure you have the correct values that correspond to the cell model.
- If the 100% charged and 80% discharged SG values for the manufacturer are not known use the default values provided.
- When adding a new battery make the technician can only add the make, he is unable to access the Admin Add new fields.
If you do not know the actual 100% charged and 80% discharged SG values for the manufacturer of the battery you are adding you should use the default values provided in the SG reference table.
If there is a discrepancy in the default values provided from the actual values of the manufacturer the % charged calculation discrepancy should be in the order of 2% or less. If a battery SOC calculates as 70% charged or 74% charged instead of 72% charged Voltelligent does not view the discrepancy as being of significant consequence.